How To Prepare For Winter

How Do You Prepare For Winter Months When Using GRP Roofing Systems?

Along with the cold winter weather comes an onslaught of frost, ice and snow. These conditions make applying GRP roofing systems next to impossible and add stress and damage to already laid roofs.

Liquid roofing and GRP specialists, GRflex advise on a multitude of roofing products. We also have approved contractors on-hand to complete whatever roofing job you might need. Whether you need a consultation, installation or just a quote on a roofing job, contact GRflex today.

Below is some practical advice on how to prepare for applying product in the cold weather and to prepare already laid roofs for the winter months.

Laying New Roofing Systems

It might seem obvious, but a lot of GRP roofing systems will not cure at very low temperatures. Often these products won’t cure below 5 degrees, so good luck getting your roof to dry in the frost. GRflex has been specifically developed as a solution to this problem, as it will cure down to 0 degrees, and will cure in just 30 minutes. Now you don’t need to take time off work over winter and lose out on income these months could generate. You can keep working, keep installing new roofs and keep bringing in income that is very much needed over these winter months.

Preparing Existing Roof

Inspect Your RoofIt is of utmost of importance that any flat roof is inspected on a regular basis. This means checking for any abnormalities or defects on the surface prior to winter and checking for any build up of dirt or standing water. This way, you can organise to have these issues rectified in time, before the cold winter months arrive. By rectifying any problem areas on your roof before the cold hits, you can avoid them becoming more serious and creating a bigger roof fix or restoration further down the line.

Keep Your Roof Clean

Clean your roof before the winter months arrive by removing any debris and clearing pools of standing water. Ensure the surface is clear of moss and weed growth and any obstructions to your roof drainage and gutter systems. Clearing obstructions to your drainage systems is critical as any standing or obstructed water will freeze if the temperature drops too low. As water freezes, it expands, this causes added stress to your roof components and increases the chances that the roof will fail or develop a leakage or problem.

Using a brush to sweep any leave and a hose to clear any debris will help unblock any guttering build ups and will expose any leaks or perforations in your guttering systems enabling you to have the repaired prior to winter setting in.

Complete Specific Training

GRflex have developed a training programme specifically tailored to flat roofing contractors, or contractors in general who want to undertake a flat roofing job. It focuses around the GRflex product range, its application, technique and theory. And will give you a better understanding of best practice when applying GRflex roofing systems, how to apply the products in more extreme weather conditions and how to ensure that the product with stick, cure and last.

Repair Any Damaged Areas

Over time your roof will become weaker a will develop problems that will need fixing. Maintaining your roof on a regular basis will help elongate the lifespan of your roof and prevent any leaks or problems arising. The damage caused by leaking roofs can be very costly to repair, so it is essential that you regularly maintain your roof to avoid these issues developing. This way you can ensure that issues do not develop into bigger problems and ensure that your repair costs are kept to minimum.

If In Doubt, Get Help

There are many different ways you can maintain your roof in its best shape. If you are still unsure as to the best way to maintain your roof, it’s important to consult a specialist.

Our technical team are on hand Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm to help with any queries or head over to our technical page and FAQ for all the information you need.

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